20 May 2009

Florence Nightingale Museum

This museum is small but very accessible with a accessible toilet at the main entrance and pay desk, the cost of a disabled visitor is £4.80p it is cheaper than the adult price.

The Florence Nightingale Museum is all about the life of Florence Nightingale it is very intresting to read about what conditions where like in the hospital's she work in

Florence Nightingale, wrote in had a diray and wrote: "Couldn't find any blankets"

In history books and figures of Florence Nightingale, she is holding a candle in her hand, but in fact she had a lamp that she held when she was walking round the hospital, remember there were no lights, the lamp she was holding was the only light if she droped it and it went out she would be in complete darkness. That is the really lamp she had.

Florence Nightingale had a owl that she tamed and everywhere she went the owl went with her in her pocket until it died. This is her owl stuffed, it's also in a glass case to prevent children touching it.

Like today the NHS like their nurses to wear a uniform and this is what her uniformv looked like, it's more like a maids uniform than a nurse's

Right the medicine was much more rough and ready than it is today and they had no anaesthetic, like today so having a operation meant pain.

Florence Nightingale was not just a great nurse she wanted to pass on her skills, so she wrote a book on nursing.

The museum feels a bit tired and needs to be updated.... Well The Florence Nightingale Museum is going to be taken into the future, it will look something like this:

Here are the plans of what they want to do, it will take some time but they are going update The Florence Nightingale Museum soon.

Please note that there is no cafe in the museum but it in the grounds of St Tomas's Hospital and it is near to the canteen there on grond you go up a smart lift.

to find out more please visit The Florence Nightingale Museum's website at:

Accessiblity Score:

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