22 April 2009

Handel House Muesum

This is the logo to the Handel House

Mueseum, below is a photo of the staircase in the mueseum that shows you the doorway with a old piano, all the rooms in the house are bare boards some of them are a little wonky

They do have a lift to the floors of the house so it is accessable, but please remember that it's an old house and they have not widened the doorways.

There is a new exhibition that the composer's personal story to life. It examines how he survived the eighteenth-century 'credit crunch', his appetite, his blindness and his love-life. A fascinating insight into Handel the man.

in this exhibition you can see some books that he wrote and scores of music as well as liserning to two pieces of music that he wrote.

The Handel Reveal'd exhibition is well lit, and very well laid out with the text in quite large font (black text on a white background).

The Handel House Muesum is celebrating the 250th Anniversary of Handel's life

The Mueseum has a small shop that sells pens, pads of paper, and Handel's music.

They have a accessible toilet by the entrance desk.

The Rehearsal and Performance Room, 25 Brook Street
This room is used regularly for weekly Thursday evening recitals. Musicians also rehearse in this room during museum opening hours.
© Country Life Picture Library / Jane Buck.

There is disabled parking in Brook Street, but there is a steep ramp down to the enrance, also the ramp is cobbed, the mueseum is highlighted by two red banners that say "Handel House Muesum".

Handel by Philip Mercier, oil on canvas, c. 1730. Courtesy of the Earl of Malmesbury

Accessablity Score:

Please visit the website for further information at:

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