28 August 2008

SIT STOP Project

When you go shopping everyone needs a seat a some point,well SIT STOP is a scheme that is trying to get shops cafes pubs to provided a seat to everyone and I came up with this idea because I got fed up of being in a shop i.e. Post Office and I needed a seat but they had not got one.

So I and a small group of us have made progress and have got Starbucks Waitrose etc to provide a seat for anyone to use.

To find out more please visit our website at http://www.sitstop.co.uk/

This is the logo of SIT STOP.
Please contact us via the website if you want to know more.

Accessiblity Score

We Need Your Help!
we need volunteers to help hand out SIT STOP stickers, if you want to volunteer and help us please see the website www.sitstop.co.uk/contact-us/2.html?Itemid=3

1 comment:

Gantly and Associates said...

For attention of Jonathan Gantley:
My name is Joe Gantly, I live in Dublin, Ireland.
I am trying to contact / track down all the Gantleys / Gantlys that I can find,there are not too many of us but there are more than you will have imagined

Can you please contact me at joe.gantly@gmail.com

Many Thanks.